Wednesday 5 May 2010

Woop Woop

Hi Everyone

I have sent all my work final have some time to sleep and see some family :) I just want to wish everyone good luck with your work and see everyone when we get back :D


Saturday 1 May 2010

Critical Commentary on Learning Blogs/Learning Blog Six

Looking back at this module it has been one the harder one’s of the hole course as there has it has become a part of my life too which is a really good thing because as from this summer hopeful I will have my project up and running and that will come a part of my life so it’s all ways good to get a head start with these things.

Looking back on the first day back from are break I was think to myself what am I going to do for my project and am I going to be able to do this module will I have the time to be able to fit everything in my life with work and personal things that were going on in my life at this point but I thought I have to go in with a positive mind or it will not work for me. The first part of the work was to find my project now I had a lot of ideas popping in to my mind but one was kept on pushing itself to the top of my mind which did end up being the one I want for at the end.

This module has been a interesting one for me as I have learnt so much more than I did before and also it has shown me how to keep myself on task and also make sure that I do set time for me to have a chance to do my work while being so busy at work. The learning diary’s have been a big help in this module has I did find that the session at the campus where good but I do not feel that they are the right way for me to learning as some time’s for me to much information for me to take so I would just shut down and not take everything in as I should do but the learning blogs helped as I could try and put it on to paper and put it in way I would understand it for myself.

This module we started something new which was the Chickenshed learning set’s which was set up with the Chickenshed students and Paula just so we can use that time to ask any questions we had about any of the work or course which did help a lot as some time I was not able to make it to the campus session and theirs session did help and plus we were able to help each other with any questions we had about the work.

I think many parts of this module are going to help me lot with my final project as I have learnt so much about researching, ethics and also able to keep myself on time with my work.

I think of the next module I am going to try and take more time to be able to take more time to be able to meet with my adviser and not panic as much with the work.