Tuesday 13 October 2009

Tina Turner People People I admire

Tina has all ways has been a big idol of ever since I was a child my dad would all ways play lots of her songs. It was when I was in my 2nd year of my degree one of my close’s friend gave me the DVD of life I truly started to admire her just because all the things she had to go through just to be able to do what she loved and to still be stronger made me believe with some will power and just by working hard any dream can come true even if you have people standing in your way.

Links of interest Chickenshed and aslo a company i admia

‘That understanding is just as relevant for members today. Every extraordinary piece of theatre they create at Chickenshed shouts out the same thing: anyone can thrive in an environment where everyone is welcome.’
( piece of text takeing from http://www.chickenshed.org.uk/ )

I feel that Chickenshed has helped me achieve my dream of been a dance by letting me be a part of their company and a part of their work. Chickenshed just gave me so much confidant’s to take up my dancing and to believe in myself. This was the first time fleet that I was wanted and that all my dreams can come true.

Jennifer Lopez People I admire

Jennifer Lopez started as dance befor going into music and flims as much as I like her films I feel that I am more inspard with her dance career . all though her style of dance is Hip Hop and Street dance I feel the hard work she put’s in to her movement just makes me want to push my self so much more in my dance career.

Todays work at MDX with Lauren Danyle and Murat

First thing we did to complete this tasks was learn Kolb’s learning cycle. This consisted of four different cycles of learning criteria. The first of the four criteria is concrete experience. This is when you have done or had the experience. The second is reflective observation which is when you review or reflect on a previous experience put into practice. Further we have abstract conceptualisation which is when you find a conclusion or learn from your experience. Lastly is active experimentation which is taking what you have concluded and learnt and testing these theories.
Once we had established Kolb’s learning cycle we were given a piece of text to pick out criteria from Kolb’s cycle. We came to the conclusion that the majority of the text given to us was from the person’s point of view and what they concluded. So we believe the text to be mostly reflective but also abstract because they explain what they have learnt from it. We then had to add the criteria from the cycle that was missing in a hypothetical sense which helped us establish the cycle so that we can put it into practice.

Sunday 11 October 2009

My Top 5 Resources i use


i use YouTube a lot for a lot of my workshop and dance piece that i come up with i feel that it is a good web sit for to see a lot of peoples work a around the world and all so find piece music that can help bring my ideas to life


I feel that face book is a help for as by using face book i feel that i can meet new people and i find by meeting these new i get some new ideas and all so find people that might want to take part in some of my projects i do.


I found the stage is so much help for as a performer as i it helps me keep up to date on new shows there out and all its a good place to find acting or dance jobs i feel.


I love my space as i find that there so many companies that use the space to we would never now about and all so i found that i can make new friends on there that are in the same line of work as me .

One big resources i use is the Net as i find that there is so many web sit out the can help you so much and there a lot on the net that you can see and i find that this helps me so much with the work do.


My name is Murat Shevket i am a performer and also a student. I’m at working at CHICKENSHED my job title is Inclusive Theatre Development Assistant in this area I work in the Education, Children’s Theatre, Outreach, Performance side of the company . As a performer I have taking part in a lot of show’s at Chickenshed some which have been small show but also been a part of the company bigger shows to which have included the Christmas show, Gala and also most of the spring show which we have also put on in the theatre but as well as performing I am a part of the education team to as I am a support staff in the company’s Btec National Diploma lesson. I help take Dance performance , Drama Improve and Performing Arts and Business. Which I feel that as support in there’s lesson I can give a lot of my own experience in these area as I myself have done the Btec at Chickenshed which was a two year course where I got to look at all the diffident areas of the performing arts . From the Btec I moved on to Chickenshed and Middlesex University Foundation Degree course which run for two years where I was able to look more deeper in to Chickenshed work and they way the companies work take place outside the theatre which was Chickenshed mini shed’s around the UK. As a performer at Chickenshed and as a student I have been able to be a part of many of there shows.
Chickenshed Shows
· ‘Alice in wonderland’
· ‘Grimm Nights and Everafter Days’
· ‘Vanity Fair’
· ‘My Space or yours’
· Gala 07
· ‘A Christmas Carol’
· ‘Seachange’
· ‘12 Days of Christmas’
· Gala 08
· ‘The Attraction ‘
· ‘Heads or Tales’

Thursday 1 October 2009

Only 2nd time on Blog

Hey Guys

this only my 2nd time on blog so i hope to try and make my blog look more cool soon so keep a look out for my CV and some more stuff .

Murat x