www.youtube.comi use YouTube a lot for a lot of my workshop and dance piece that i come up with i feel that it is a good web sit for to see a lot of peoples work a around the world and all so find piece music that can help bring my ideas to life
www.facebook.comI feel that face book is a help for as by using face book i feel that i can meet new people and i find by meeting these new i get some new ideas and all so find people that might want to take part in some of my projects i do.
www.thestage.co.ukI found the stage is so much help for as a performer as i it helps me keep up to date on new shows there out and all its a good place to find acting or dance jobs i feel.
www.myspace.co.ukI love my space as i find that there so many companies that use the space to we would never now about and all so i found that i can make new friends on there that are in the same line of work as me .
One big resources i use is the Net as i find that there is so many web sit out the can help you so much and there a lot on the net that you can see and i find that this helps me so much with the work do.