Monday 4 January 2010

Descriptive Piece Draft 3

The stage was sit all the audience was in there seats. Backstage there was no sound it was like everyone was just in the zone of the show. I could feel each ever foot step rushing though my body it was like an energy rush in my body.

Everyone was waiting for the 1st song in Act 2 to start. It was 8.40pm on the dot I was in the dressing room wait for the call to go on stage.

The time came to go on stage my legs want all fun I felt like I was going to go down at any minute so I moved slow down the to the area that I was going to go on stage from all the kids were ready and standing by it was time the fairies where just about to come off stage so it was time the lights were bright it was like look up at the sun so my eyes all went fun all I could see was stars it was like look out at night. So it was time to come out I had to run out and take my place so I did it was like some pushed me out on to stage. So it was too late I had to do the show now all the kids in the audience was look at us wait to see what we were going to do.

It was time now to the start the scene the teacher came on stage and just like that all the feelings that every single that I was feeling on stage felt just went away for the next 15mins as it felt like we went in to a never world.

So it was time for me to say the line that well start everything off for all the kids so ‘Haven’t you here’d for it’ Just came out of my mouth it was like I did not even say it . It’s was like I was a puppet and someone was moving my body and lips for me. By start of the song which was ‘Freetime’ I could feel that the audience where loving our scene. So it was time to start to do our dance you could see in each and every audience members face that they were just look at me to see what we going to do in this dance and were it was going to take us in the story.

By the end of the song the audience loved the dance and you feel them wanting to come with us to the land of Freetime just by seeing the smiles on their face’s it was so powerful.

All the bad feeling’s I had about doing the show went away I was ready to do the next bit and even do the my dance one more time and I was flying on top of the world.

So now that we came of stage we could feel that the audience cheers and happiness though the walls of the theatre it was like they know what I was feeling after coming off stage it was like they were saying to me well-done .

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