Monday 6 September 2010

Preparing for a Project

Preparing for a Project

Inclusive communication development through performing arts

Why do you want to undertake this project? That is, what is its relevance to you, your

work and your study?

This project choice that I have made is one that I have as I have been with Chickenshed for five years now and I have all ways been interested in the why they work with their children theatre and how their session help children again confidents and also are able to use their commutations skills with in a inclusive sitting. I believe that this is a important project has feel that it would be a good way to see if the way they work does help children with confidents issues and also maybe use these techniques one day in my own line work.

What are you going to achieve? What is likely to be your ‘product’?

The main part of this project that I would like to able to achieve is to see if threes way’s of working in own my workplace does work and to see if children confidents and commutation skills benefit from the performing arts. The likely product of this project is to see if there’s session do work for the children.

What are your aims and how will you achieve them?

My aims for this project are to see if the way my workplace works does help to children with confidents and commutation. The way I will hope to achieve my information is by being a part of the project and taken put as a participant obverse which we help see for myself if this way of working does work. I will also be use secondary research to gather the relevant information for my project.

Who will you need to involve?

I will need to involve the company stuff that will be taken the session and also who are working with the children in dance part of the company. I will not be using any of the children in my project as I feel that this would put too much parser on them in the session so for all my research for that part i will you using all participant observations to gather my research.

What is the timescale of the project and when must it be completed by? The work

Project may be constrained by a different timetable to that of the academic

The project that I am undertaken has to be in for the 6th January 2011. I have already started my project from now as from September I will have a lot going at my work placement for me with are Christmas show we do every year and also are annual fundraising gala so I feel that I will not have enough time to get all my research. I am hoping to have started my first part of my draft of my project work by the end of September so I will hopeful be able to send in my draft copy of chapters 1,2 and 3. I have already have carried out a total of 23hrs of my participant observations time I have had with the session and also have been gathering some of my secondary researcher. I will also send out some questions to staff members at the company I work for and will hope to be able to get some good answer that will benefit my project and also my research.

Will there be any cost involved?

No there will be no cost involved in this project.

What bounders and limitations are there?

I have been every lucky to be able to get most of my research from a early part of starting my project so i do feel that I have enough to able to start writing up my project. But I still do need a lot more secondary researcher which I have found hard to found as much research as I will need for my project but I still have lot’s time to be able to find some that will be good use to me and the project. As there is so much happening from September to December at my workplace I feel that I have to limit my timetable at my workplace so I will able to get all my research done and also get my draft copy’s in to my academic adverse.

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