Monday 1 November 2010

Blog Two Google Doc's

Google Docs is network where you can keep copy of your work or even research and also you can share your work on this doc to people you chose to show your work to and this can also be used as a wiki were people you add to your doc and comment or change stuff on the document.

At first I was not a big fan of this network as I really did not understand why everyone had to see my work as I am some who is very funny about my work all ready and I alone let people see it when I am in a good place with it but after having a try I started to understand why this was a good way of keeping your work.

I found that some times you might be at your own pc or laptop and then you might problems with your USB’s which makes it hard for you to get to your work or even save it so by using Google doc’s you can save your work and also be able to access your work anywhere you want.


  1. I agree with what you have written here Murat. Its also great for sharing with others too. When I have needed to send or receive documents to or from my interviewees, its been a very simple way to do it.

  2. Hi Murat,
    I hope that you are well.
    I am in agreement with you as I feel that Google Docs, like many things, has pros and cons. Writing a research document can be very personal as you pour your entire self into the project and it is not an enjoyable feeling when someone reads your work and gives you criticism. They might have been wanting for it to be constructive, but you might also get offended and then loose confidence in your work. What I learnt to do this term was to send it to the person(s) I felt would be constructive and would enable me to progress in a positive manner. Being able to share your work is a great tool that Google has invented, however, I truly believe that it must be shared with the people who you feel comfortable reading through your project. Do you agree?
    Kind regards,
