Monday, 1 November 2010
Blog Two Google Doc's
At first I was not a big fan of this network as I really did not understand why everyone had to see my work as I am some who is very funny about my work all ready and I alone let people see it when I am in a good place with it but after having a try I started to understand why this was a good way of keeping your work.
I found that some times you might be at your own pc or laptop and then you might problems with your USB’s which makes it hard for you to get to your work or even save it so by using Google doc’s you can save your work and also be able to access your work anywhere you want.
Blog One - Delicious
I have found this site very help in my project as some of the stuff that I found for my project I have been able to save them on to my bookmakers and also this has been a easy way of keep on top of all my research as sometimes when you have a lot of research it can get a bit to much and you forget where you saw something or what was that website name.
I also feel that it is a never way of keeping up to date with what everyone else in are year has found and added on to their bookmakers and sometimes you might found that have found something that might be helpful to you which I have found really helpful.
This my Delicious name if you have not added me already – muratshevket no space between the two names
Monday, 6 September 2010
Preparing for a Project
Preparing for a Project
Inclusive communication development through performing arts
Why do you want to undertake this project? That is, what is its relevance to you, your
work and your study?
This project choice that I have made is one that I have as I have been with Chickenshed for five years now and I have all ways been interested in the why they work with their children theatre and how their session help children again confidents and also are able to use their commutations skills with in a inclusive sitting. I believe that this is a important project has feel that it would be a good way to see if the way they work does help children with confidents issues and also maybe use these techniques one day in my own line work.
What are you going to achieve? What is likely to be your ‘product’?
The main part of this project that I would like to able to achieve is to see if threes way’s of working in own my workplace does work and to see if children confidents and commutation skills benefit from the performing arts. The likely product of this project is to see if there’s session do work for the children.
What are your aims and how will you achieve them?
My aims for this project are to see if the way my workplace works does help to children with confidents and commutation. The way I will hope to achieve my information is by being a part of the project and taken put as a participant obverse which we help see for myself if this way of working does work. I will also be use secondary research to gather the relevant information for my project.
Who will you need to involve?
I will need to involve the company stuff that will be taken the session and also who are working with the children in dance part of the company. I will not be using any of the children in my project as I feel that this would put too much parser on them in the session so for all my research for that part i will you using all participant observations to gather my research.
What is the timescale of the project and when must it be completed by? The work
Project may be constrained by a different timetable to that of the academic
The project that I am undertaken has to be in for the 6th January 2011. I have already started my project from now as from September I will have a lot going at my work placement for me with are Christmas show we do every year and also are annual fundraising gala so I feel that I will not have enough time to get all my research. I am hoping to have started my first part of my draft of my project work by the end of September so I will hopeful be able to send in my draft copy of chapters 1,2 and 3. I have already have carried out a total of 23hrs of my participant observations time I have had with the session and also have been gathering some of my secondary researcher. I will also send out some questions to staff members at the company I work for and will hope to be able to get some good answer that will benefit my project and also my research.
Will there be any cost involved?
No there will be no cost involved in this project.
What bounders and limitations are there?
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Delicious/Google Doc's
Monday, 9 August 2010
Back to Work!
So it has been to long since I have been on blogger! It’s a busy couple of months since I sent my last piece of work in so I have been really busy since we got are feedback back I started the practical said of my project which went really got all the data that I needed and also got all the extra notes that I needed for my final project. So now I am get all my research together now and now cannot wait for the next module.
See everyone in September J
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Woop Woop
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Critical Commentary on Learning Blogs/Learning Blog Six
Looking back at this module it has been one the harder one’s of the hole course as there has it has become a part of my life too which is a really good thing because as from this summer hopeful I will have my project up and running and that will come a part of my life so it’s all ways good to get a head start with these things.
Looking back on the first day back from are break I was think to myself what am I going to do for my project and am I going to be able to do this module will I have the time to be able to fit everything in my life with work and personal things that were going on in my life at this point but I thought I have to go in with a positive mind or it will not work for me. The first part of the work was to find my project now I had a lot of ideas popping in to my mind but one was kept on pushing itself to the top of my mind which did end up being the one I want for at the end.
This module has been a interesting one for me as I have learnt so much more than I did before and also it has shown me how to keep myself on task and also make sure that I do set time for me to have a chance to do my work while being so busy at work. The learning diary’s have been a big help in this module has I did find that the session at the campus where good but I do not feel that they are the right way for me to learning as some time’s for me to much information for me to take so I would just shut down and not take everything in as I should do but the learning blogs helped as I could try and put it on to paper and put it in way I would understand it for myself.
This module we started something new which was the Chickenshed learning set’s which was set up with the Chickenshed students and Paula just so we can use that time to ask any questions we had about any of the work or course which did help a lot as some time I was not able to make it to the campus session and theirs session did help and plus we were able to help each other with any questions we had about the work.
I think many parts of this module are going to help me lot with my final project as I have learnt so much about researching, ethics and also able to keep myself on time with my work.
I think of the next module I am going to try and take more time to be able to take more time to be able to meet with my adviser and not panic as much with the work.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Learning Journal Five 20/04/10
After having two weeks of try to get me my first draft done on my project I felt I had to have a meeting with Paula just so I can get my heard around all my work and this meeting did help a lot I feel as I was on ball to ask all the questions I was thinking about all weekend and it made me feel so much more happy about where I am with my work and what I need to do next to make my work right.
Some of the things I did talk with Paula about what are my plans to do after I finish my BA as this would help me think about a title for my degree. Also we did have a long talk about my draft which was good as I was able to think the stuff that needs to go in to make it stranger and also give it the right shape.
I think now for the last 3 weeks left of the module before the deadline I do feel that I have a lot more work to do but I do feel that now I will be able to feel much more happy with the work I have done so far and the work I have left to do.
Monday, 5 April 2010
Happy Easter Everyone!
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Learning Journal Four 30/03/2010
Since my last journal I have done lost my think about my project and now I feel much more happy with my project idea and how I am going to be writing up my project and all my ideas.
The campus session on the 30th March was really helpful I am really happy that I was able to make it as I feel was able to take notes down that will help me write my project up and to help get my draft copy in by the 9th April and feel really happy about the work I have done so far.
Also in the session we talked about Ethics we talked about how impotent it is for your project and for the people you will be working with in your project. For me this was really impotent as I will be work with children age between seven to fourteen year olds so now I how make sure to keep my project save and also make sure the people I am working with are happy with research and all so making sure my project is done in the right way.
What I need to do before the next session
Make sure I do activity seven
Do my first draft of my Project Proposals
Keep on research my project
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Learning Journal Three 16/03/10
Designing research methods
I was not able to attend this session as I was performing in Midsummer Night’s Dream. But I was able to have a meeting with Paula and was able to catch up with what I miss at the session.
My project will let me be able to do many of the research methods as I will be able to interview people and all maybe do a focus group and also be able to talk with the that are taken part in the workshops and also have a chance to have a lot of observations in the workshops which these will help me get a lot of research for my final piece of work.
Also at this meet with Paula all of us at Chickenshed were able to talk about our projects and how we will doing it and also we were able to give each ideas and also help each what we can all do to help us to get to the part of the work.
Things I need to do before next session
To start to write up my research project
To find at least five to six piece of literature to critically analyse to be a part of my research project
Sunday, 14 March 2010
My Topic
I have had lots of different ideas in the past couple of weeks but I think I have come up with a topic idea that I feel happy with.
My topic will be based at Chickenshed as I will be work on a project in the summer team with the children theatre group called ‘Seachange’ so I thought this would be the perfect place to base my project. My project will look at children work in an inclusive dance workshop and performance sitting.
In this project I will be hoping to look at
How children comment throw dance?
How they work with each other?
How they work in a big cast and all so in the small groups
This some of the things that I have been think about so far but I feel there is still more think to be done before I can say this is going to be my final project.
A Midsummer Nights Dream Technical rehearsal and Dress Rehearsal
So it’s been a long week this week but a funny one too. I have been getting ready for my current show that we are doing Chickenshed. So this week we had our technical rehearsal and our dress rehearsal also it’s been a bit of a crazy one but so worth it.
I found that these week’s are really busy but fun as you get to see all the other things people have been work on and plus you get to see what the show will look like. So the next two week’s are going to be busy but fun I cannot wait.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream runs from 12th March to 27th March at Chickenshed
Friday, 5 March 2010
Learning Journal Two 3/03/10
Campus session on the 3rd March – Developing your research design
This session was such a helpful session as I have learnt so much about doing my research and also learnt that different research books can show how to develop my research methods.
Secondary research – secondary research is about different facts that you can get from second source such as the internet, books, and newspapers which you can use these in your research for your project. The main thing to remember about this type of research is that not all of it can sometimes be true so you do have to really look for one’s that look like they have been done in high standee.
Primary research – primary data is all the research you do in your project. These can be interviews, surveys and observation.
Quantitative and Qualitative research
Qualitative –
Key words:
Key Words:
Numerical measurements
After looking at all of these different ways of doing my research I found that I can now think of the different ways that I will be get my data for my project and have a better understanding of research methods.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Learning Diary Two
After having some time to think about my project I have now come up with two possible topics ideas. So now I do feel like can movie on with this module as I have two too pick were as before I had nothing to work with. I do feel that both topics well help me with get lots of research which I will need to backup my project.
As my work placement is at Chicken shed I do feel like I have the best possible way of getting all my research as they have a mixed ages groups from ages 7 to 21’s that come to their workshops so I feel that I will get the best outcome in my research.
Monday, 22 February 2010
Learning Diary One
As I was sitting at the table for my lunch at a school I was work at in north London. Looking out into the playground I thought to myself what are my ideas are for my topic ‘What can I do?’ So thought I might as well start to bullet point down some ideas and see what my choices are so this is what I put down
Children, Young People and Over 21’s
Workshops for 16 to 21’s
Workshops for Early Learning’s
Put on a small piece on and do workshops on it
This is what I came up with just in a few minutes which have shown me that there is nothing to worry about. It’s just like what Peter, Paula and Rosemary have been saying to us that it will come to us and plus it has to be something we are doing now and something we do not mind living with for the next year. So now that I have got these ideas I think I am going to start look at different ways I can get my research and also my own development.
At the same time as doing all this and been getting for ready for two different show at once! I have been reading the Bell Book I have just completed chapters one and two and now I am going to start reading it all over again so it sticks in my head and I can get a full understanding and so far it has been a fun and helpful read.
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Learning Journal Blog Campus session 16/02/10
Hey Guys
The campus session on the 16/02/10 was so helpful for me to get my head around the work that is coming my way. From look back at the last module I have found that I have learnt a lot from it that I feel that I can take to this project I feel that I want be as worried as I was at the last piece of work we did.
This module is all about Project Planning and Development (Research Methods) which at first I was like oh my god what am I going to do for my project but after going to this session I feel that am able now to sit down and look at my options what I can do for this project but all so at the same learn how to do good piece of research which will help me back up my project and also help plane my project.
The Module hand book for 3835 has been such a big help for me so far as I have learnt some many new words that I have not ever used before in any piece of work that I have done before but we’ll start use now.
What we need to do before the next session which is 3rd March 2010
Read the guidance notes
Read book by Bell (Chapter 1 and 2)
And as a ongoing part of the module keep reading Paula's ,Peter's and Rosemary's blogs
Things to think about before the next session
Think about two topics for your project
Research which help you with the topic
Things you know about the topics all ready know and things you do not know about the topics
Saturday, 13 February 2010
A Midsummer Nights Dream / Gala
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Shakespeare is it hard work that is the question ?
Sunday, 24 January 2010
A Midsummer Nights Dream
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Last Day of Pinocchio
Thursday, 14 January 2010
A Midsummer Nights Dream
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Task D and E Deadline
Dear Students,
Some weather forecasts are predicting snowfall tonight. Depending on the severity, travel arrangements could be affected and there is a possibility that campuses will be closed.
Before making your way to the campus tomorrow (6th of January) to submit your work, please ring tel. 0208 411 5000 to get updated information.
If the campus is closed, please call 0208 411 6118 on the following day for an update.
Please be aware that you are able to post your work to the address below.
Please note, that you can find WBS Module Feedback Form on:
OASISplus- Core WBS forms- WBS forms - WBS Module Feedback form
Viktoriya Ferguson
Client Enquiries & Institute Co-Ordinator
Institute for Work Based Learning
Middlesex University
College House
The Burroughs
Tel. 0208 411 6118
Fax: 0208 411 4551
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Task D and E
Monday, 4 January 2010
Marketing Piece Final draft 4
.jpg)
Roll up Roll up come and visit the circus this year where you will find magical Cheeky Fairies that Dance in Hoops. Where little school boys are free to do what they want and not go to school, and where a little puppet called Pinocchio lives. Come this year and join Chickenshed as they put on this festive show where a cast of 200 will take pat in this production. Come and see Chickenshed at its best this year with it production of ‘PINOCCHIO’. With Chickenshed own Original script and Music written by David Carey and also additional music by Paul Morrall and Jo Collins. Come and see the Family show of the year there is something for everyone in this show.
From moment Geoppetto 1st caved this little puppet there was going to be big change in his life, from going to see the puppet show, to get 5 gold corns, to meet a boy called Candlewick, to then loss all five corns to a fox and a cat, to then going to school and swim in to the ocean, to be back home in time for tea all with the help from Pinocchio’s friend’s.
‘Chicken shed’s Heart warming original version of this timeless classic. Chicken shed’s inimitable and exuberant style with music, laughter, tears and not a little drama’.
Pinocchio opens on Wednesday 9 December 2009 with performances at 3.30pm and 7.30pm until Saturday 16 January 2010. Schools matinee performances at 12pm and 1pm
Ticket prices:
Previews (Wed 9 – Sat 12 December):
Stalls: £12, Gallery: £10
Peak performances (Fri 18 December – Saturday 2 January):
Stalls: £19.50, Gallery: £13.50
Standard performances (all other dates):
Stalls: £18, Gallery: £12
Concessions are available for all performances.
Sign Language is integrated into all performances
Captioned performances:
Friday 18 December at 7.30pm
Friday 8 January at 12pm
Saturday 9 January at 3.30pm
Audio-described performances:
Wednesday 23 December at 7.30pm
Wednesday 6 January at 1pm & 7.30pm
Friday 8 January at 7.30pm
Visit or write to us at:
Chase Side
N14 4PE
Click here to email general enquiries
Click here to email press enquiries
Or call us:
Box Office: 020 8292 9222
For textphone users, dial:
18001 020 8292 9222 (Typetalk)
General Office: 020 8351 6161
Fax: 020 8292 0202
Descriptive Piece Final Draft
The stage was seat all the audience was in there seats. Backstage there was no sound it was like everyone was just in the zone of the show. I could feel each and every foot step rushing though my body it was like an energy rush in my body.
Everyone was waiting for the 1st song in Act 2 to start. It was 8.40pm on the dot I was in the dressing room wait for the call to go on stage.
The time came to go on stage my legs want all fun I felt like I was going to go down at any minute so I moved slow down to the area that I was going to go on stage from. All the kids were ready and standing by it was time the fairies where just about to come off stage so it was at this time the lights were bright it was like look up at the sun so my eyes all went fun all I could see was stars it was like look out at night. So it was time to come out I had to run out and take my place so I did, it was like some pushed me out on to stage. So it was too late I had to do the show now all the kids in the audience was look at us wait to see what we were going to do.
It was time now to the start the scene the teacher came on stage and just like that all the feeling I on stage felt like it just went away for the next 15mins as like we went in to a never world.
So it was time for me to say the line that will start everything off for all the kids so ‘Haven’t you here’d of it’ just came out of my mouth it was like I did not even say it. It’s was like I was a puppet and someone was moving my body and lips for me. By start of the song which was ‘Freetime’ I could feel that the audience where loving our scene. So it was time to start to do our dance you could see in each and every audience members face that they were just look at me to see what I was going to do in this dance and were it was going to take us in the story.
By the end of the song the audience loved the dance and you feel them wanting to come with us to the land of Freetime just by seeing the smiles on their face’s it was so powerful.
All the bad feeling’s I had about doing the show went away I was ready to do the next bit and even do the my dance one more time and I was flying on top of the world.
So now that we came of stage we could feel that the audience cheers and happiness though the walls of the theatre it was like they know what I was feeling after coming off the stage it was like they were saying to me well-done .
Descriptive Piece Draft 3
The stage was sit all the audience was in there seats. Backstage there was no sound it was like everyone was just in the zone of the show. I could feel each ever foot step rushing though my body it was like an energy rush in my body.
Everyone was waiting for the 1st song in Act 2 to start. It was 8.40pm on the dot I was in the dressing room wait for the call to go on stage.
The time came to go on stage my legs want all fun I felt like I was going to go down at any minute so I moved slow down the to the area that I was going to go on stage from all the kids were ready and standing by it was time the fairies where just about to come off stage so it was time the lights were bright it was like look up at the sun so my eyes all went fun all I could see was stars it was like look out at night. So it was time to come out I had to run out and take my place so I did it was like some pushed me out on to stage. So it was too late I had to do the show now all the kids in the audience was look at us wait to see what we were going to do.
It was time now to the start the scene the teacher came on stage and just like that all the feelings that every single that I was feeling on stage felt just went away for the next 15mins as it felt like we went in to a never world.
So it was time for me to say the line that well start everything off for all the kids so ‘Haven’t you here’d for it’ Just came out of my mouth it was like I did not even say it . It’s was like I was a puppet and someone was moving my body and lips for me. By start of the song which was ‘Freetime’ I could feel that the audience where loving our scene. So it was time to start to do our dance you could see in each and every audience members face that they were just look at me to see what we going to do in this dance and were it was going to take us in the story.
By the end of the song the audience loved the dance and you feel them wanting to come with us to the land of Freetime just by seeing the smiles on their face’s it was so powerful.
All the bad feeling’s I had about doing the show went away I was ready to do the next bit and even do the my dance one more time and I was flying on top of the world.
So now that we came of stage we could feel that the audience cheers and happiness though the walls of the theatre it was like they know what I was feeling after coming off stage it was like they were saying to me well-done .
Academic Piece Draft 3
The story of Pinocchio has been around for 100’s of years, there has been many adaption of this story. Most people well know this story as many people would have seen the Disney version as a child with their family.
Pinocchio is so known for the Disney sometimes when people come to see a theatre version of the story people want it to be the same as the one they loved as a child. But with the version of the story the way that it has been done has taken so far way of the from the Disney version but still have the magic of the story and Film. What this sometime’s forgotten is that the Disney is from a screenplay and the Chickenshed version is an original scripted [1] ‘Our heart-warming, original version of this timeless classic features Chicken shed’s inimitable and exuberant style with music, laughter, tears and not a little drama’.
As i am someone who as a child I was not fan of the story there are many reviews that talk abut the dark side to the story [2] ‘The audience, especially the young children watching, are absolutely enthralled by the whole production, but also scared by what is shown on screen. Unlike today's cartoons, that try to be as "friendly" as possible, Walt Disney wanted his films to leave an impact and Pinocchio certainly fits into that category. While the film enchants, it also provide plenty of frightening moments as well.’
I do feel that after seen this production of this show I do feel that it has changed my point of view on this story. As they have taken this story and made it not as dark as it is in the book and they have done this by making the story more fun based then the way it was before as they have taken out the bit where the children that skip school and go and have fun and drink beer and smoke by taken them to the land of Freetime but still keeping the fact that they turn in to donkeys but not showing them turn in to them as some companies have done. Which I feel has made the story have the feel of more of a family feel to it has before it was a bit dark for children.
A never big way that I do feel that they have made the story more of a family story is by add some many songs in to the show which feel more like a family show and also gives the audience more of a chance to feel a part of the show and also helps it be more of a open piece of work as if you have never seen the Disney version you can still full in love with these songs.
Pinocchio has had many different versions of its story. I do feel that the most loved versions of the story. But I do believe that people are still going to have the Disney version as the most loved one of all time but I do feel that this version of Pinocchio does show you a different side to this lovely story by given it more of a Family feel to it by leaving the Dark side of the story out.
[1]Chickenshed 2009 flyer (Accessed 3rd January 2010)
[2] The Film Archives Review Written By Chris Burns (Taken from the Web) (Accessed 3rd January 2010)